Download and Installation

How to register an account

How to register an account to download and use the Unreal Engine Live-Streaming Toolkit

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

How to install using the Installer

How to install the Unreal Engine Live-Streaming Toolkit using the Installer

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

How to install the zip file into your Plugins Folder

How to install the Unreal Engine Live-Streaming Toolkit manually using the Plugins Folder

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

How to install to a custom build of Unreal Engine

Follow these steps to include the Toolkit in your custom engine build or with a custom build such as Aximmetry or Zero Density

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

How to package in Unreal Engine 5 onwards (or use with Visual Studio)

Place the Toolkit in your Project Plugins folder and delete from your Engine plugins folder

Written by Off World Live
Updated 4 months ago

How to Install the NDI SDK to Unreal Engine

How to use the OWL Installer to install the NDI SDK to use NDI with the OWL Toolkit

Written by Off World Live
Updated 3 months ago

Key Components

OWL 360/ 180 Degree Output Pass for Movie Render Queue

You can now render 360 and 180 degree video direct from Unreal Engine Movie Render Queue at ultra high resolutions (+32K)

Written by Off World Live
Updated 5 months ago

OWL Livestream Wizard

How to instantly set-up a live-stream direct from Unreal Engine

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

OWL Cinecam

Capture any Unreal Cinecam/ Camera to a Render Target, with alpha, UMG/ HUD and Render Flag control

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

OWL Capture Component

How to capture any Unreal Camera, Cinecam or Actor to a Render Target

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

OWL CG Element (Composure)

How create CG elements in Unreal Engine Composure with identical colors to your Viewport.

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

OWL CG Matte (Composure)

How to create custom masks in Unreal Engine Composure that precisely match your Viewport color settings

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

OWL Video Plane Placement (Composure)

How to dynamically resize a Media Plate in Unreal Engine Composure with tracked and moving cameras

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

OWL 360 Degree Camera

How to capture a 360 degree video feed from inside your Unreal Engine level:

Written by Off World Live
Updated 7 months ago

OWL 360 Capture Component

How to capture 360 degree video from any Actor in your Unreal Engine project

Written by Off World Live
Updated 7 months ago

OWL Viewport Capture

How to capture you Unreal Viewport to a Render Target for live-streaming via NDI and Spout

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago
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Licensing your Machine or Application

How to Create a Sales Tax Invoice from Paddle for your License purchase

How to add your VAT/ business details to your Paddle Receipt to create a tax invoice

Written by Off World Live
Updated 8 months ago
Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

How to install an Application License to your Game/ App/ Project

How to install an Application license of the Unreal Engine Live-Streaming Toolkit to your game/ app/ project

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

How to transfer (uninstall and re-install) your Machine license using our License Utility application

With our License Utility application you can easily uninstall and re-install Machine licenses between different machines

Written by Off World Live
Updated 11 months ago

How to install/ uninstall Machine licenses on remote or cloud machines

How to manage licenses from the command line for easy remote or cloud installation

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

How to license an off-line Machine using our License Utility application

The License Utility application let's you license a machine that can never be connected to the internet

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

How to install a Machine license

How to install a Machine license of the Off World Live Unreal Engine Toolkit to your machine:

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

How to manage your Machine license on the Account page:

How to manage your Machine licenses of the Unreal Engine Live-Streaming Toolkit on your Account Page.

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

How to manage your Application licenses on the account page:

How to manage your Application licenses of the Unreal Engine Live-Streaming Toolkit on your Account Page.

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

How to Stream and Record Media from Unreal Engine using the Metered API code

When using the OWL Media Output you can use a Metered API code license to distribute your application or game or use in cloud applications

Written by Off World Live
Updated 7 months ago
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How to Trouble-shoot any License Issues

How to trouble-shoot if your license stops working

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

How to Trouble-shoot Spout

Use these steps to trouble shoot any issues you have with sharing video using Spout

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 month ago