OWL NDI Receiver Manager

How to live-stream any video feed into Unreal Engine over-the-network via NDI
Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

The NDI Receiver Manager allows you to live-stream any NDI video output to Unreal Engine as a Render Target in-Editor and at-Runtime:

  1. It automatically picks up any active NDI Sender feed and shows you it in a simple drop down:
  2. It receives NDI audio as well as video which you can place in your level as a mono-emitter (see video here):
  3. You can manage multiple different video feeds at the same time from any NDI inputs:
  4. You can create a material from your Render Target to place your video feed anywhere you need in your scene:  
  5. It can be controlled via blueprints so you can have multiple video feeds ready to stream and make them active/ inactive as you need.
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