How to transfer (uninstall and re-install) your Machine license using our License Utility application

With our License Utility application you can easily uninstall and re-install Machine licenses between different machines
Written by Off World Live
Updated 9 months ago
  1. Find the plugin in your Engine or Project folder or alternatively download the Zip from the Downloads Center.
  2. Open the Plugin folder (unzipped) and find the Utils Folder:
  3. Open the folder and run the License Utility application:
  4. In the application that launches select 'Machine Licenses':
  5. From the list of licenses select the one you want to uninstall from the machine and click the '-' button:
  6. Confirm that you want to uninstall the license:
  7. Your license will disappear from your license list and so has been uninstalled:
  8. To re-install the license on another machine follow the steps here
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