N.B. While we recommend that all Post Process effects are managed through a Post Process Volume (not the cameras) Exposure should be controlled using the setting in the OWL 360 Camera (or a Cinecam if you are using an OWL 360 Component).
Some Post Process Effects do not work well with 360 renders because they are screen-space based, meaning the post process effect is dictated by the size and shape of the camera face.
360 cameras stitch 6 cameras viewpoints together, and these screen space effects will be added per face, so you will see a border around each of the 6 faces, making a kind of cube shaped seam:
To avoid seams we recommend:
- Create a Post Process Volume in your Outliner. This will be used to override any Project Settings which can cause seams:
- In the Details panel of the Post Process Volume check the 'Infinite Extent (Unbound)' checkbox to make sure the Post Process Volume affects the whole scene:
- Change the following parameters:
- Under 'Lens' find Bloom and set the intensity to 0:
- Under 'Exposure' set the Metering Mode to Manual and set the Exposure compensation to 10 or a value that matches the intended exposure for your scene:
- Check that you have no Chromatic Aberration by setting this intensity to 0 or leave it unchecked:
- Under Dirt Mask ensure there is no option selected:
- Set Lens Flares to 0 or leave unchecked:
- Set Depth of Field to 0 or leave unchecked:
- Under 'Lens' find Bloom and set the intensity to 0: