Why you need OWL Compositing Toolkit if you want clean media inputs in Unreal Engine

How to avoid Unreal Engine's anti-aliasing on your media inputs and use tracked and moving cameras with the OWL Compositing Toolkit workflow.
Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago
  1. Games engines apply 'anti-aliasing' to graphics which smoothes lines that would otherwise be jagged, compare left and right:
  2. If you play or stream your video in Unreal on a plane, then your video will also be anti-aliased which will make it look ghosted and blurry (see example):
  3. Composure avoids this problem by placing the video over the rendered Unreal scene with no anti-aliasing,but is limited to a full screen media feed. This disconnects the video from the virtual space. See in the example below the floor moving underneath the dancer:
  4. The OWL Compositing Toolkit solves this issue with the OWL Video Plane Placement Actor which dynamically scales the video plane to the movement of the camera. The dancer now changes size naturally as the camera zooms in/out:
  5. With the OWL Compositing Toolkit you can now have perfectly composited media in Unreal with:
    1. Crystal-clear media inputs; and
    2. Dynamically scaling media feeds.

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