How to live-stream NDI from Unreal Engine

Set up an NDI live-stream from Unreal in less than 1 minute
Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

  1. In your Unreal Engine Editor go to 'Place Actors'>'Off World Live', select 'OWL NDI Sender Manager' and drag-and-drop it into your scene:
  2. In it's Details panel go to 'Off World Live NDI Sender Settings' and add a new 'Array Element':
  3. Select/ create a Render Target from the drop down list and give it a name (this is how you will find it in your NDI receiver program):
  4. If you want to send alpha select 'BGRA' from the options list:
  5. If you want to send audio tick 'Capture Audio' on:
  6. When you click 'active' your NDI feed will start sending out over the network. In your NDI receiver program, just select the name you have given your feed and your video & audio will appear:

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