How to package in Unreal Engine 5 onwards (or use with Visual Studio)

Place the Toolkit in your Project Plugins folder and delete from your Engine plugins folder
Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 months ago
Your project must be a C++ (not Blueprint) project in order to package successfully in UE5. Please see instructions below.
The Toolkit will not package successfully in the "Test" mode available with Source Builds).
Please ensure that the Unreal Engine Media IO Framework plugin is active in your project. 
N.B. If you are using a Source/ Custom build of Unreal (in addition to the points below): 
  1. In your project .target.cs file add the following line:
    BuildEnvironment = TargetBuildEnvironment.Shared;
  2. You can also add "bOverrideBuildEnvironment = true;" if your project complains about bUseLoggingInShipping being set

If your Project is already a C++ Project

  1. In Unreal 5 you need to put the Plugin in your Project Plugins folder and remove it from your Engine Plugins folder for it to package successfully:
    1. If you have used the installer, the Toolkit will be in your Engine plugins folder. This is normally in your C Drive but if you have Unreal installed somewhere else it will be there. The file path is:
    2. Inside the Runtime folder you will find the Toolkit folder:
    3. Remove this from the 'Runtime' folder.
    4. Open the Unreal 'Project' folder and check if there is already a 'Plugins' folder inside. 
    5. If there is no 'Plugins' folder in your Unreal Project folder then create a new folder, call it 'Plugins' 
    6. Go to the Downloads Center and download the zip file and unzip it and place it in the Project Plugins folder as above:
  2. In Unreal go to 'Packaging' in your Project Settings and ensure that 'Full Rebuild' is not ticked:
  3. Now you should be ready for packaging!
If your Project is a Blueprint Project (not C++) please convert to a C++ project as follows

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