The OWL Cinecam is a custom Unreal Engine Cinecam with multiple augmentations built specially for live-streaming:
- Find the 'OWLCinecam Capture' Actor in the 'Place Actors' panel and drag it into your scene.
- In 'World Outliner' select 'OWLCine Cam Capture' so it opens in your 'Details' panel:
- In 'OWL Capture Settings', create a Render Target to receive the video feed from your OWL Cinecam by clicking the dropdown next to the thumbnail:
- Name your Render Target so that you can select it from the drop down list.
- You OWL Cinecam is now outputting to a Render Target which can be picked up by the Spout Sender Manager to stream to Spout/ OBS Studio:
Additional Features:
- You can use DLSS to up-sample your output from the 'OWL Capture' Render Target to save GPU resources.
- You can use the 'Pause Rendering' tickbox in the OWL Capture 'Details' panel to live-edit between cameras in order to save GPU usage (this is also controllable via blueprints):
- You can Show/ Hide elements from the Render Target to create Alpha output using the settings in the details panel:
- You can create a UMG overlay for custom HUDs/ Burn-Ins with your own custom blueprint widget:
- You can use the Render Flag options to select/ deselect different post processing/ rendering effects: