How to control an OWL Cinecam via LiveLink

A guide to attaching the Virtual Camera component to your OWL Cinecam for control via LiveLink
Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

You can use the Virtual Camera component to control your OWL Cinecam from your iPhone or another LiveLink device while you live-stream:

  1. Select your OWL Cinecam in 'World Outliner', go to its 'Details' panel, click '+Add Component' and in the search box type/ select Vcam:Add Vcam Component
  2. Drag the Vcam Component on top of your OWL Cinecam Capture Component to attach it to your OWL Cinecam so that it is nested below. Attach Vcam Component
  3. Configure you Virtual Camera LiveLink connection using the instructions here.
  4. You can now control your OWL Cinecam with your iPhone/ an external controller while live-streaming to Spout/ OBS Studio!
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