OWL Screen Capture

How to set a Specified Window in your Game using OWL Screen Capture

Use this blueprint to set a fixed Window that can be captured in your game:

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

Camera Control

Toggle OWL Camera Captures (Actor BP)

Toggle OWL capture systems through an actor blueprint

Written by Off World Live
Updated 1 year ago

Zooming and X/Y Nudgable Camera with Mouse Control

How to use the mouse to control zoom and camera movement

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

Toggle 'Pause Rendering' in OWL Cinecam

How to pause an Cinecam from rendering while you are live-streaming

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

Toggle Camera Tracking and Camera Movement

Toggle Camera movement via 'Interp-to-Move' and Tracking via 'Look-at-Tracking' on the OWL Cinecam

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

Teleport an OWL Cinecam between different level positions

How to teleport an OWL Cinecam between different positions in your level

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago
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HUD/ Burn-Ins

Toggle Camera Angle Changes with HUD Fade Transition

How to toggle camera angle changes combined with a fade transition in the HUD of your OWL Cinecam

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

Toggle Static Text Box to OWL HUD

How to toggle a static text box on/ off in your OWL Cinecam HUD

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

Toggle Animated Text Box in your HUD

How to control an animated text box in the HUD of your OWL Cinecam

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

Toggle animated text box and camera fade transition in your HUD

How to toggle on/off an animated text box and a camera fade transition in the HUD of your OWL Cinecam

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

Enable Control of a HUD in your OWL Cinecam

How to control a HUD/ Burn-In on your OWL Cinecamera/ Capture Component via Blueprints

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago
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Performance Optimisation

Start DLSS At begin play or toggle with Key

How to start DLSS automatically in-Runtime or Toggle DLSS modes using keystroke

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

Editor and Runtime Viewport Rendering and Pause Camera Rendering Event

How to switch of Viewport Rendering while you a live-streaming to increase performance

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

Cycle Through All DLSS Modes in Runtime with a Single Key

How to switch DLSS modes while live-streaming using a single key

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

NDI Input/ Output Control

Live-edit NDI output between different OWL Cinecams

How to live-switch between multiple OWL Cinecams through an NDI feed during broadcasts

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

Switch between NDI Receiver sources with a single keystroke

You can use this blueprints to switch between all your available NDI sources with a single keystroke

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

Live-edit NDI output between OWL Cinecam and 360 Degree Camera

How switch live between an OWL Cinecam and an OWL 360 Camera during broadcasts via NDI

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

Spout Input/ Output Control

Live-edit Spout output between different OWL Cinecams

How to switch between OWL Cinecams live during broacasts via Spout

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

Live-edit Spout output between OWL Cinecam and 360 Degree Camera

How to live-edit between an OWL 360 degree camera and OWL Cinecam during broadcasts via Spout

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

Level Assets

Colour Changing Light

How to control a colour changing light in your level with light flicker and colour intensity

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

LED Screen Controls

How to control an LED screen: UV tiling and position, with separate CRT overlay tiling

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago


"OnRitual" (New Chatter)

How to trigger events in Unreal in response to Rituals in Twitch while live-streaming

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

"OnRaid" Event

How to trigger events in Unreal when a Raid happens in Twitch while live-streaming

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

"OnCheer" Event and By Amount Cheered

How to trigger events in Unreal using 'OnCheer' in Twitch and controlling events by amount cheered

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

Channel Points Custom Events

How to trigger custom events using Channel Points from Twitch while live-streaming

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago

"OnNewSubscriber" Call Custom Event

How to call a custom event in your Unreal level while live-streaming when you add a new subscriber in Twitch

Written by Off World Live
Updated 2 years ago
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